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Coming month Bart Brands will share his expertise in Germany

Coming month Bart Brands will share his expertise in Germany

Coming month Bart Brands will share his expertise with others at various conferences to be held in Germany.

Designers’ Talks in Berlin, 1 and 2 November: At the invitation of the Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt (BDLA), Bart will present a lecture on the future of the German countryside. The conference will focus on climate change and the crucial role played in this by architecture and landscape architecture. The extensive programme will allow speakers and attendees to explore the future and provide more information on new perspectives.

- ‘Kölner Perspektiven zu Stadt und Resilienz’ in Cologne, 4 November: Bart will join a panel featuring Frauke Burgdorff (Beigeordnete für Stadtentwicklung, Bau und Mobilität der Stadt Aachen), Andree Haack (Beigeordneter für Stadtentwicklung, Wirtschaft, Digitalisierung und Regionales der Stadt Köln) and researcher Anja Bierwirth of Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. Together they will have interesting discussions on digitalisation, climate change adaptation and the need for different ways to look at cities.

Forum Die Grüne Stadt in Berlin, 25 November: Bart was invited to present a lecture entitled ‘Urban Nature’. At the invitation of Stiftung DIE GRÜNE STADT, he will be part of an extensive programme focusing on the future of, and challenges presented by, green spaces in our cities in times of climate crisis.

If you are interested in attending any (or all) of these conferences, don’t hesitate to let us know! We look forward to having these important conversations together.